Amazon at Sunset

This is one of the most amazing sunsets i’ve ever seen and one of my favorite iPhone photos taken, so it makes sense to start from here.

It was taken on June 2014 in a small hotel in the middle of nowhere on the Colombian side of the Amazon, there is no roads, only thick jungle, so you get there only by boat from Leticia/Tabatinga, the nearest Town at 20 minutes by boat.

One of the best sunsets i've ever seen on my life.
One of the best sunsets i’ve ever seen on my life.

For the same reason there is no wifi or cellphone signal, the most you get is GPRS but most of the time you get “no service”, nevertheless the staff was really kind with me and let me use their satellite wifi signal from time to time. 🙂

The scenery is amazing, although you can’t get out of the hotel (is nearly impossible to walk out because you know… Piranhas, deadly animals and insects) but the most crazy part is the weather, you can be tanning under a strong sun and suddenly a storms strikes. It is a really out of this world place, if you have the opportunity you should go there.

Same Sunset now with a pool!
Same Sunset now with a pool!

Some people look at this photo and gets really impressed by knowing that it was taken with my iPhone 5S, the same sunset was taken by some other people and their photos aren’t nearly as good as this one, the secret? Just two apps: Auto Stitch, a really old app that still do the job and is an excellent option for macro photographs, and Blux Camera Pro, my camera app replacement.

One downside with Blux Camera Pro is that the HDR and Back-lit features tends to burn orange and yellow colors, but still the results are pretty impressive for a photo taken with an iPhone.

Yup! Thats my old iPhone 4S making a time-lapse.
Yup! Thats my old iPhone 4S making a time-lapse.


And here’s the timelapse:

So, what do you think?

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