From Above

Windows seats are the the best place on a plane, i really don’t get how people prefer to sleep instead of watching outside.

I mean, you can sleep or take your iPhone and shoot some clouds…

I really love how that river reflects the light
I really love how that river reflects the light

Sometimes is difficult to get a nice picture from an airplane because the windows are dusty (and really small) or you get the wing seat.

Taking off from Leticia (Colombian Amazon)
Taking off from Leticia (Colombian Amazon)

Other times you get the sun right in front of your camera and there gonna be black areas and light areas, so you need to decide whether to take the clouds or the sky, in this case HDR apps are a great help because they compose shadow and lights areas into a single photo.

Cumulonimbus at SunSet
Cumulonimbus at SunSet
It's like those beautiful backgrounds on Destiny
It’s like those beautiful backgrounds on Destiny

Except for the Amazon photo, the first pics are somewhere over Mexico, its kind of difficult to know the exact spot since I took the pictures with “airplane mode” and the GPS doesn’t know where the photos were taken.

Somewhere over Brazil, it seems like a big desert surrounded by a forest and the sea
That’s some place over Brazil, it seems like a big desert surrounded by a forest and the sea
Strange spot, isn't it? Again some sand and forest in the same place?
Strange spot, isn’t it? Again some sand and forest in the same place?
Flying over home (Mexico City)  on the right side the wealthy area of Lomas de Chapultepec, on the left side some poor areas of Observatorio.
Flying over home (Mexico City) on the right side the wealthy area of Lomas de Chapultepec, on the left side some poor areas of Observatorio.

I really like this last photo because i can actually see my home.

Hey! I can see my house from up here
Hey! I can see my house from up here
That's home! :) I'm a big fan of Google Earth, even more! I used Keyhole before Google buy it and transform it to Google Earth, so I'm an expert locating landmarks and interesting spots of Mexico City from the skies.
That’s home! 🙂
I’m a big fan of Google Earth, even more! I used Keyhole before Google buys it and transform it into Google Earth, so I’m an expert locating landmarks and interesting spots of Mexico City from the skies.

Again, i used Blux Camera Pro and Lightroom to de-noise the photo and adjusting some lights and exposure.

Some people don’t like to use PhotoShop, Light Room or some desktop app to edit their iPhone photos (even they claim is like cheating!) but i do not agree, I mean, yes! There are several powerful apps out there like Google Snapseed (although the last update really sucks!), but when you want to really squeeze your photos to the max sometimes your computer got the right tools to do it, and let be honest, most apps are just to apply some vintage filters and people abuse applying it and they ending up with photos looking like a cheap colorful cake, or even worse, like a bad 90’s grunge band album cover.

But as always, use the apps that takes the best out of your photos.

PS. The reason I like the first photos is because it reminds me of the clouds background in the dogfight between Isamu and Guld in Macross Plus (oh my puberty years!)

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